Details for Old Walker Homestead
Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5309003829
Marker Number | 3829 |
Atlas Number | 5309003829 |
Marker Title | Old Walker Homestead |
Index Entry | Walker Homestead, Old |
Address | 3401 Dever Drive |
City | Waco |
County | McLennan |
UTM Zone | |
UTM Easting | |
UTM Northing | |
Subject Codes | Greek Revival (Architectural style); Texas Revolution, Republic of Texas; houses, residential buildings |
Marker Year | 1969 |
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark | Yes |
Marker Location | |
Private Property | No |
Marker Condition | In Situ |
Marker Size | Medallion and Plate |
Marker Text | Texas adaptation, Greek Revival architecture. Waco-made sand brick. Built about 1853 by a father and son, James and W.C. Walker, both veterans of Battle of San Jacinto, in Texas War for Independence. First brick home, rural part of county. |