Details for Sargent Cemetery

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5321004593


Marker Number 4593
Atlas Number 5321004593
Marker Title Sargent Cemetery
Index Entry Sargent Cemetery
City Sargent
County Matagorda
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 241050
UTM Northing 3189292
Subject Codes cemetery
Marker Year 1986
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location from Sargent take FM 457 east approximately 2.5 miles; take Caney Road south approximately 7/10 miles
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text George Thomas Sargent (1791-1875) and his family came to Texas from England in 1834. In 1838 they moved to Matagorda county, where Sargent became a major landowner. This family cemetery contains six graves. The first to be interred here was a Sargent grandson, Jacob Smith, Jr. (1843-1859). The second burial was that of a great-grandson, Frank J. Freeman, in August 1872. George T. Sargent and his daughter - in - law, Sarah Ann, drowned in the storm of 1875. Granddaughter Cornelia Smith Freeman (d. 1883) and her husband, Henry H. Freeman (d. 1908), were the last to be buried here. Texas Sesquicentennial 1836-1986

Location Map