Details for M.S. and Cora Alice Perry House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5321012067


Marker Number 12067
Atlas Number 5321012067
Marker Title M.S. and Cora Alice Perry House
Index Entry Perry House, M.S. and Cora Alice
Address 2504 Ave. I
City Bay City
County Matagorda
UTM Zone
UTM Easting
UTM Northing
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings; Queen Anne (Architectural style); Classical Revival (architectural style); women
Marker Year 1997
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location SW corner Avenue I and 3rd Street. Marker is on the porch on private property.
Private Property Yes
Marker Condition Access Restricted
Marker Size RTHL medallion and plate
Marker Text An architectural hybrid incorporating colonial revival and Queen Anne style elements, the M. S. (1872-1919) and Cora Alice (1883-1970) Perry House was erected in 1917 and 1918. A prominent community leader, Perry was the principle owner of Le Tulle Mercantile Co. The Perrys designed the home with their builder, George Schultz. The home, intended to resist turbulent coastal weather, was constructed of layered 1" x 12" boards and concrete stucco. After years as apartments, it was restored in the 1970s. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1997

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