Details for Former Site of Midland National Bank

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5329001952


Marker Number 1952
Atlas Number 5329001952
Marker Title Former Site of Midland National Bank
Index Entry Midland National Bank, Former Site of
Address 105 N Main St.
City Midland
County Midland
UTM Zone 13
UTM Easting 776599
UTM Northing 3544092
Subject Codes banks, bankers, banking topics
Marker Year 1988
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location 105 N. Main St., Midland
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Organized in Odessa on August 22, 1902, as Odessa National Bank, this institution began with an initial capital of $25,000. In June 1903 the shareholders voted to move the bank to Midland and rename it Midland National Bank. Bank offices were set up at this site in the Llano hotel. Built in 1890, the two-story wooden hotel building was a gathering place for ranchers and businessmen. The bank occupied the lower floor of the hotel until 1909, when the structure, along with others in the downtown area, was destroyed by fire. The hotel was rebuilt on the same site, and the bank continued to lease office space. By 1927 the principal business of the bank had shifted from agriculture to the emerging oil industry. A new three-story bank building was erected at the corner of Texas and Big Spring streets in 1953, and a nine-story tower was added in 1957. Midland National and the Bank of the Southwest merged in 1968. In 1976 the bank moved to a new fourteen-story structure at 500 W. Texas. The name of the bank was changed to First City National Bank of Midland in 1983.

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