Details for Goldthwaite Eagle

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5333002199


Marker Number 2199
Atlas Number 5333002199
Marker Title Goldthwaite Eagle
Index Entry Goldthwaite Eagle
Address 1002 Fisher Street
City Goldthwaite
County Mills
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 540973
UTM Northing 3479515
Subject Codes newspapers
Marker Year 1977
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location 5th and Fisher, across from courthouse square.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text In 1885 William H. Thompson (1842-1896) started a weekly newspaper, "The Mountaineer", which closed but was reestablished in 1894. He sold it in 1896 to R. M. Thompson, his nephew, who renamed it "The Goldthwaite Eagle". At that time eagles still lived in the hills of Mills County. The paper was bought in 1920 by Dr. E. M. Wilson. It changed hands between the Wilson and Thompson Families until 1950, when Charlie T. Wilson sold it to H. R. Ekins. A merger with "The Mullin Enterprise" made it the county's only newspaper. In 1971 Frank Bridges purchased "The Eagle" from Victor E. Koleber.

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