Details for T&P No. 1 - W.H. Abrams No. 1 Discovery Well of the Permian Basin

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5335001230


Marker Number 1230
Atlas Number 5335001230
Marker Title T&P No. 1 - W.H. Abrams No. 1 Discovery Well of the Permian Basin
Index Entry T&P No. 1 - W.H. Abrams No. 1_Discovery Well of the Permian Basin
Address IH-20
City Westbrook
County Mitchell
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 305855
UTM Northing 3580330
Subject Codes oil/petroleum topics
Marker Year 1996
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Mitchell County Westbound Rest Area, westbound IH-20, 2 mi. W of Westbrook. Marker reported missing May 2020.
Private Property No
Marker Condition Missing
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text (2.4 miles north) The first commercial discovery oil well in the Permian Basin was named for W.H. Abrams, leasing agent for the Texas and Pacific Land Trust. The well first produced oil in February 1920 at a depth of 450 feet; but in June 1920, a better showing of oil was found at 2345 - 2410 feet. On July 16, 1920 the well was "shot" with nitroglycerin. As a crowd of 2,000 people looked on, a great eruption of oil, gas, water, and smoke shot from the mouth of the well almost to the top of the derrick. Shortly after, the well flowed at a rate of 129 barrels daily, but soon settled down to 20 barrels per day. From this well and a well nearby the Rio Grande Oil Company laid the first commercial oil pipeline in the Permian Basin. The first load of oil went through the pipeline on April 3, 1922. W.H. Abrams No. 1 was redesignated on May 1, 1968, as Westbrook Southeast Unit No. 701, formed to increase oil recovery from the Westbrook Oil Field by water flooding. This enhanced oil recovery technique has produced 67 million barrels of the more than 100 million barrels of oil recovered from this field. Designated as major fields, only a small number produce 100 million barrels of oil or more. Fifty-six major fields are located in the Permian Basin, the fourth largest oil producing area in the U.S. (1967, 1996)

Location Map