Details for Old Nacogdoches University Building

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5347009299


Marker Number 9299
Atlas Number 5347009299
Marker Title Old Nacogdoches University Building
Index Entry Nacogdoches University Building, Old
Address 515 N. Mound St.
City Nacogdoches
County Nacogdoches
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 343320
UTM Northing 3498041
Subject Codes educational topics
Marker Year 1962
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Old University Building. RTHL medallion on building near entrance, interpretive plaque in the garden area in front
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size RTHL medallion and 27" x 42" marker with post
Marker Text The Republic of Texas chartered Nacogdoches University in 1845 to fulfill East Texas settlers’ ideals for higher education. The University occupied various downtown buildings before this building was completed in time for classes in fall 1859. Local citizens underwrote the project with donations of money, materials, land, labor and foodstuffs. During the Civil War the structure served as a Confederate hospital and functioned as a headquarters for a Federal regiment during Reconstruction. The building served the University until deeded to the Nacogdoches Independent School District in 1904. It continued as an educational facility until the 1960s when its care and use became the charge of the Nacogdoches Historical Society and later the Federation of Women’s Clubs. After restoration, the structure became available for community functions and now houses a small museum dedicated to education in Nacogdoches. The temple style of the building is a fine example of Greek Revival Classicism of the early and mid-19th century. The original contractor was John H. Cato, with the work completed by J. H. Muckleroy at a cost of $10,500. The two-story loadbearing masonry building features common bond red brick made on-site with local clay. The rectangular floor plan features narrow four-over-four windows on both floors, with 3 bays at the entrance and 6 bays along each side divided by brick pilasters. The prominent portico is composed of massive Doric style columns on plinth blocks, a broad entablature, and a deeply recessed pediment. The main entrance has solid paneled doors with a tall transom and sidelights. The gabled roof is topped by an octagonal frame copula with a bell roof capped by a carved finial. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark – 1962

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