Details for On this site stood Fort Lipantitlan

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5355006315


Marker Number 6315
Atlas Number 5355006315
Marker Title On this site stood Fort Lipantitlan
Index Entry Fort Lipantitlan
Address CR 101
City Banquete
County Nueces
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 616223
UTM Northing 3093826
Subject Codes Texas Revolution, Republic of Texas; forts; military topics
Marker Year 1936
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Lipantitlan State Historic Site entrance; from Banquete, take FM 666 about 7 miles north, head northwest on FM 3088 about 5.3 miles, turn northeast on FM 70; drive about 0.7 miles then turn southeast onto CR 58; turn northeast on CR 101 and continue about 0.5 miles to marker.
Private Property
Marker Condition
Marker Size 1936 Texas Centennial - historical marker (gray granite)
Marker Text Occupied in 1831 by soldiers of the Mexican army to prevent further Anglo-American colonization in Texas. Captured November 4, 1835 by volunteers under Captain Ira Westover. Unsuccessfully attacked June 7, 1842 by 700 men under Gen. Antonio Canales while defended by 192 men under General James Davis. Five acres of land surrounding the site of the fort were generously donated to the State of Texas by the heirs of J.C. Bluntzer in 1937. Erected by the State of Texas 1936

Location Map