Details for Old San Jacinto County Jail

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5407007670


Marker Number 7670
Atlas Number 5407007670
Marker Title Old San Jacinto County Jail
Index Entry San Jacinto County Jail, Old
Address Commerce St
City Coldspring
County San Jacinto
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 295939
UTM Northing 3386759
Subject Codes
Marker Year 1982
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Old Jail Museum on Commerce Ave; from County Courthouse, take 150/Byrd east, turn left on Slade/Commerce Ave, building is on right before the 90' bend in the road. Near 1971 marker for San Jacinto County Jail.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size
Marker Text Approved by the commissioners court in 1886 and completed the following year, this structure served as the San Jacinto County Jail until 1980. Interior space included second floor cells and jailer's living quarters on the ground floor. Victorian detailing is reflected in the decorative brickwork and arched windows. The only remaining structure of the original townsite, it now serves as a historic reminder of Coldspring in the 1880s. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1982

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