Details for Odem Building

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5409003665


Marker Number 3665
Atlas Number 5409003665
Marker Title Odem Building
Index Entry Odem Building
Address Vineyard at Sinton St.
City Sinton
County San Patricio
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 646546
UTM Northing 3102195
Subject Codes buildings; banks, bankers, banking topics; Beaux Arts; commercial buildings; Business topics, general; design and construction
Marker Year 1994
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Vineyard at Sinton Streets, Sinton
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text The Sinton townsite company was organized in 1894 to promote the development of the new railroad town of Sinton. Local merchant David Odem, one of the founders of the townsite company, established himself as a prominent landowner and businessman in Sinton. In 1906 he became one of the principal stockholders in the newly organized Sinton State Bank. This building was erected in 1909 as the Sinton State Bank Building. Closely associated with David Odem, the building became known locally as the Odem Building. Its architectural design exhibits Beaux Arts influences, and features an emphasis on symmetry, a focal corner entry with fine terra cotta details and cast stone door and window surrounds. Also of note are the two story arches over round-arched windows and terra cotta detailing on the top of the parapet. The Sinton State Bank continued to operate from this site until difficulties during the depression resulted in the bank's closing in 1934 since that time the building has been used for various business purposes. Due to its solid construction the Odem building has withstood the storm and fire-related disasters which destroyed or damaged many of the early wooden structures in Sinton's downtown area.

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