Details for Mundt Place

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5469003534


Marker Number 3534
Atlas Number 5469003534
Marker Title Mundt Place
Index Entry Mundt Place
Address 103 S. Glass St.
City Victoria
County Victoria
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 694544
UTM Northing 3187402
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings; inns, hotels, motels
Marker Year 1966
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Continental Hotel / VFW 4146
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion and Plate
Marker Text Constructed 1871 as the Continental Hotel which operated until 1897. Bought by Prof. O.E. H. Mundt. Served as classroom building for his school, founded in 1893. School operated until 1904. In 1946, purchased from Mundt family by Post 4146, Veterans of Foreign Wars. (1966)


Mundt Place (RTHL)
Mundt Place (RTHL)

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