Details for Monaville Independent School District

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5473011376


Marker Number 11376
Atlas Number 5473011376
Marker Title Monaville Independent School District
Index Entry Monaville Independent School District
Address 12620 FM 1887
City Monaville
County Waller
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 785557
UTM Northing 3316998
Subject Codes educational topics
Marker Year 1994
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Waller County Monaville Annex / Monaville Veterans Memorial Building
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Monaville, Aurora, and Bracy Island schools opened in this area during the last quarter of the 19th century when many rural schools were established throughout Waller County. Bracy Island School, established nearby sometime prior to 1890, and Monaville School, located at this site, constituted School District No. 13 in 1893-94. Aurora School, located about 5 miles south of here, opened in 1898. In 1903-1904 the three schools had a combined enrollment of 146 students. In 1904 William and Ella M. Wright deeded one acre of land here to the Monaville Community School District. Monaville, Aurora and Bracy Island schools continued to serve the Monaville rural community until about the mid-1920s when both Aurora and Bracy Island schools were closed. In 1930 efforts by the state to create geographic high school units resulted in the consolidation of a number of districts in the area, including the Sunnyside School (about 5 miles SW), into the Monaville Independent School District. Monaville High School became a 3-year institution in 1931. The area's rural population began to decline after the 1930s Depression. By 1953 Monaville's rural schools had closed and area students were enrolled in the Pattison and Hempstead Independent School Districts. (1994)