Details for Burton Depot

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5477008316


Marker Number 8316
Atlas Number 5477008316
Marker Title Burton Depot
Index Entry Burton Depot
Address 507 N. Railroad St.
City Burton
County Washington
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 731581
UTM Northing 3341558
Subject Codes railroad depots; railroads; Italianate; Queen Anne (Architectural style)
Marker Year 1991
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Railroad St. (at Washington), Burton
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion and Plate
Marker Text Burton began as a terminal on the Houston & Texas Central Railroad in 1870. A depot, built that year, burned in 1898 and was replaced by this structure. Built according to standard plans of the Southern Pacific Railroad (which absorbed the Houston & Texas Central), it exhibits elements of the Queen Anne and Italianate styles. Outstanding features include wide overhanging eaves and "sunburst" gable windows typical in Southern Pacific structures.