Details for Texas Gulf Sulphur Company-Newgulf

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5481005260


Marker Number 5260
Atlas Number 5481005260
Marker Title Texas Gulf Sulphur Company-Newgulf
Index Entry Texas Gulf Sulphur Company-Newgulf
Address 3615 North Richmond Road
City Wharton
County Wharton
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 782389
UTM Northing 3249583
Subject Codes
Marker Year 1996
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location on display in Wharton County Historical Museum
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text The Gulf Sulphur Company began in Matagorda County in 1909, and in 1918 changed its name to Texas Gulf Sulphur Company. A plant was built at the Big Hill Dome, and the first sulphur was produced in 1919. A company town was created and named Gulf, Texas. New reserves of sulphur were acquired in Wharton County. When the Texas Gulf Sulphur Company began operations on the Boling Dome in 1928, a new company town was established named Newgulf. The town contained businesses, more than 350 homes, a school, library, hospital, movie house, golf course and county club. Baptist, Methodist, Catholic and Presbyterian churches built sanctuaries. Newgulf Post Office began service in October 1928 and ended service in March 1994. Texas Gulf Sulphur Company produced in excess of 80.8 million long tons of Sulphur from the Boling Dome, to make it the largest sulphur production mine in the world, Texas Gulf was acquired by a French petrochemical corporation in 1981. Sulphur production ceased in 1993, and the town of Newgulf was dismantled; it was among the last company towns to exist in Texas. (1996)

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