Details for Tom Lloyd Burnett Home
Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5485005503
Marker Number | 5503 |
Atlas Number | 5485005503 |
Marker Title | Tom Lloyd Burnett Home |
Index Entry | Burnett, Tom Lloyd Home |
Address | 400 W Alameda |
City | Iowa Park |
County | Wichita |
UTM Zone | 14 |
UTM Easting | 530291 |
UTM Northing | 3757185 |
Subject Codes | Colonial Revival; ranches/ranching; houses, residential buildings; cowboys |
Marker Year | 1983 |
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark | Yes |
Marker Location | 400 West Alameda, Lowa Park |
Private Property | No |
Marker Condition | In Situ |
Marker Size | Medallion and Plate |
Marker Text | Prominent cattleman and civic leader Tom Lloyd Burnet (b. 1871) had this house built in 1924. The colonial revival residence was designed by the Wichita Falls architectural firm of Voelcker and Dixon. After Burnett's death in 1938, the house became the residence of his cousin, rancher and civic leader Will Burnett, and his wife, Maggie (Denny). The Burnett home, an Iowa Park landmark, features a Dutch Gambril roof with a clipped gable. (Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1983.) |