Details for The Perrin Home
Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507013380
Marker Number | 13380 |
Atlas Number | 5507013380 |
Marker Title | The Perrin Home |
Index Entry | Perrin Home |
Address | 4101 Swans Landing |
City | San Antonio |
County | Bexar |
UTM Zone | 14 |
UTM Easting | 556836 |
UTM Northing | 3266293 |
Subject Codes | houses, residential buildings |
Marker Year | 1968 |
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark | Yes |
Marker Location | Swans Landing, N side W of Perrin Beitel on private property. Marker reported missing May 2011. |
Private Property | Yes |
Marker Condition | Missing |
Marker Size | RTHL medallion and plate |
Marker Text | Built 1875 from original plans drawn by Alphonse W. Perrin, born in New York City, 1848, of French parents. Perrin and bride, Mina Carr of Wisconsin, came to Texas seeking a better climate, first living at Leon Springs, then settling here near the banks of the Salado Creek. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1968 |