Details for Marcelina Cemetery

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507013805


Marker Number 13805
Atlas Number 5507013805
Marker Title Marcelina Cemetery
Index Entry Marcelina Cemetery
Address Hwy 97, CR 404
City Floresville
County Wilson
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 588536
UTM Northing 3229470
Subject Codes cemetery
Marker Year 2003
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location E on Hwy 97, S on CR 404; next to Marcelina Baptist Church
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size HTC Medallion and 12" x 16" interpretive plaque
Marker Text In 1876, Isaac and Malinda Sims moved from Mississippi to Wilson County's Marcelina community. Seven years later, they deeded part of their land for a burial gound and the Marcelina Baptist Church. Samuel Foster, Isaac's stepbrother, also deeded land, including the site of his mother's grave, for burial purposes. Over time the two cemeteries merged into one. Th oldest marked grave, that of Martin Donaho, dates to 1882. The cemetery continues to be used by the community. A cemetery association, organized in 1954 by Sally Sims and others, still maintains the burial ground, which remains a link to the area's rich history. Historic Texas Cemetery - 2003

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