Queen Anne (Architectural style); houses, residential buildings; women
Marker Year
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark
Marker Location
Private Property
Marker Condition
In Situ
Marker Size
RTHL medallion and plate
Marker Text
Texas native Richard E. Kloepper and Ella Sodke married in 1906, the same year construction began on this house. A prominent local businessman, Richard was a founding member of New Braunfels State Bank, and of the local First Federal Savings and Loan Association. The couple moved from the house with their only son, Kermit, in 1911. A subsequent owner was Albert Voss, whose family lived here for many years. The Queen Anne home, built of longleaf pine, retains much of its original detailing, including porch spindle frieze, decorative shingling, and a bracketed window hood on the front projecting wing.Recorded Texas Historic Landmark-2003