Details for C.R. Burrow House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507015779


Marker Number 15779
Atlas Number 5507015779
Marker Title C.R. Burrow House
Index Entry Burrow, C.R. House
Address 1110 5th Avenue
City Canyon
County Randall
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 232273
UTM Northing 3874618
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings
Marker Year 2009
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location southwest corner of 5th Ave and 12th St
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text Charles Richard Burrow moved to Canyon City in 1899 to work for Eagle Hardware, and by 1919 he was able to buy the business and rename it Burrow Lumber Company. Burrow remained an active business and civic leader until his death in 1959. He served as mayor of Canyon, city commissioner and President of the Lumbermen's Association of Texas. His philanthropic endeavors allowed many students at West Texas Normal College (later West Texas A&M University) to complete their education. Burrow married Bula Wright in 1903, and in 1911 architect O.G. Roquemore designed for them this two-story cross gabled Craftsman style bungalow featuring dormer windows, brackets, exposed rafter ends and brick porch columns. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 2009