Details for James C. Lane House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507016422


Marker Number 16422
Atlas Number 5507016422
Marker Title James C. Lane House
Index Entry Lane, James C. House
Address 306 Wimberley Square
City Wimberley
County Hays
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 587119
UTM Northing 3318645
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings
Marker Year 2010
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size RTHL medallion and plate
Marker Text Wimberley builder James Calvin Lane (1902-1976) built this home in 1935 adjacent to a café operated by his wife, Rebecca (Cobb). Lane later built a two-story home and a larger café in the same style on nearby property on the square. Rebecca operated Wimberley’s first telephone switchboard in the home’s living room. The couple sold the home to educator Susie Danforth in 1938. The front-gabled craftsman style home is notable for its “giraffe rock” exterior, a rare style in the Texas hill country. Native rock and poured concrete is embellished with smaller decorations such as petrified wood, decorative rock and fossils.