Details for Pine Grove Missionary Baptist Church and School

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507016586


Marker Number 16586
Atlas Number 5507016586
Marker Title Pine Grove Missionary Baptist Church and School
Index Entry Pine Grove Missionary Baptist Church and School
City Dies
County Tyler
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 359437
UTM Northing 3413606
Subject Codes African American topics; churches; Baptist denomination; educational topics
Marker Year 2010
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 0.14 mile N on CR 2778 from the intersection of CR 2778 and FM 1632
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Pine Grove Missionary Baptist Church was formed by African American residents of the Dies community during the late 1800s. The church was originally located adjacent to the Old Pine Grove Cemetery, approximately 1.5 mi. north of this site. In 1912, as the community shifted south along the road towards nearby Woodville, Frank Herring donated a half acre for the relocation of the church. Unfortunately, a severe storm destroyed the church structure during the 1920s, and the congregation again chose to relocate. In 1928, Reverend Henry and Mrs. Vicey Frazier donated property at this site for a new church home, and a new building was soon erected. Pine Grove School was founded as a community outreach project of Pine Grove Missionary Baptist Church. No formal school building was erected for African American children of the Woodville area until the 1930s, so classes for Dies community children in grades one through six were held at the church beginning as early as 1889. The school served the community for sixty years, with an average of thirty-eight students enrolled for each term; the school was closed after the 1948-49 school year. As originally constructed, Pine Grove Missionary Baptist Church’s third building included a simple sanctuary and pulpit area. Additions to the building during the 1950s included a choir stand, pastor’s study, and a bell tower and foyer. At that time, a cast iron bell salvaged from the church’s second structure was placed in the bell tower. The exterior features a central tower, drop siding, exposed rafter ends and a metal gable roof.

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