Details for R. L. White Ranch

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507017310


Marker Number 17310
Atlas Number 5507017310
Marker Title R. L. White Ranch
Index Entry White, R. L., Ranch
Address 18744 Bandera Hwy.
City Helotes
County Bexar
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 524205
UTM Northing 3276319
Subject Codes
Marker Year 2012
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Marker is on highway approximately in front of Rancho Blanco sign inside fence. Also RTHL medallions on three buildings.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42" with post
Marker Text Ryall Luther White (1878-1962) was born in Jasper, Texas to John Luther Calvin White and Texanna Priscilla Ryall White. He married his wife, Ethel Gertrude Smyth, in 1907 and began working for his father-in-law as the manager of the Uvalde Rock Asphalt Company. In 1920, he resigned to open his own paving company, the Alamo Paving Company, in San Antonio paving exclusively with rock asphalt. White bought his own rock asphalt mine to have his own supply of the material and joined forces with his brother, Tom White. By 1928, Whites Mine Corporation had developed a new process to manufacture onsite a cold-mix paving material and the company began to market the product during the Great Depression. In 1926, White began to build the ranch which was to become one of the largest ranches in northwest Bexar county. The ranch reflects Whites desire to impress his guests with Texas rustic-style architecture on a grand scale. The best example of this style is the Lake Pavilion. It is a two-story rectangular, symmetrical stone structure designed in this architectural style. The building uses the locally available gray and cream-colored limestone to face the walls, inside and out. The Main House, also called Gerties House after Whites wife, is a rectangular, single-story, end-gabled stone house also designed in the rustic style with gray, asphalt shingles. The Red Cottage, a square, one-story, front end gabled, wood frame house with red-painted siding and a standing seam metal roof, was built in 1926. It was one of the first buildings and used to keep horses which were sold to the U.S. Army. Today, the ranchs 3500 acres and historic buildings reflect the tradition of Texas grand homesteads. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 2012

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