Details for Sutherland Springs School Site

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507017933


Marker Number 17933
Atlas Number 5507017933
Marker Title Sutherland Springs School Site
Index Entry Sutherland Springs School Site
Address Second Street
City Sutherland Springs
County Wilson
UTM Zone
UTM Easting
UTM Northing
Subject Codes Education
Marker Year 2014
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location The school site is a short distance on the left hand side of second street. The site can be identified by a rather large concrete slab just over the fence on the left hand side of the street. The marker will be set outside the fence.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42" with post
Marker Text SUTHERLAND SPRINGS SCHOOL SITE The Sutherland Springs Community was founded by Dr. John Sutherland and Joseph H. Polley in the 1850s. Both men were concerned with the need for a school in Sutherland Springs where social institutions had not yet developed. Early schools were built by churches, citizens or organizations. Public education funds were not adequately distributed and educational efforts in Texas remained sporadic through the close of the nineteenth century. In 1857, Dr. Sutherland built a rock building on the Cibolo used as a private academy. In 1871, J.B. Polley deeded to the school trustees of Cibolo Hall and female academy all his right, title and interest in lot #3 block #59. By 1877, the male and female academy opened in the rock schoolhouse. In 1910, a bond election was voted on and adopted to construct a new school. The next year, lot #4 was purchased. In 1934, citizens of district nine voted to incorporate for free school purposes under the name Sutherland Springs Independent School District. A new school was built in 1936 and a gymnasium was added in 1938. On the eve of Christmas holidays, December 19, 1947, fire completely destroyed the school building. After the fire, students finished the school year at the Baptist Church. A two-room building was erected for grades one through six. The district consolidated with Floresville in 1948 and the property was sold in 1953. However, the spirit of small, rural schools lives on through the community and memory. (2014)

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