Details for Chauncy and Minnie Canfield House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507017975


Marker Number 17975
Atlas Number 5507017975
Marker Title Chauncy and Minnie Canfield House
Index Entry Canfield, Chauncy and Minnie, House
Address 508 Crockett Street
City George West
County Live Oak
UTM Zone
UTM Easting
UTM Northing
Subject Codes women
Marker Year 2014
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Northeast corner of Frio and Crockett Streets
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28" with post
Marker Text CHAUNCY AND MINNIE CANFIELD HOUSE George Washington West invited Chauncy Canfield to build a business in his new town of George West in 1914. Canfield preceded his family and established a store. His wife, Minnie Elizabeth (Hale), sister Callie and three children arrived on the first passenger train. Designed in Prairie and English cottage style, the canfield house was the first family home in George West. Eventually, son, Hale, married Mabel Frances Lamm and relocated nearby. In 1947, the original house was moved one block west and north to 508 Crockett Street to allow Houston Street commercial construction. Minnie, daughters Josephine and Lou Emma, added a southern colonial exterior and lived in the house until Lou Emma’s passing in 1988. RECORDED TEXAS HISTORIC LANDMARK – 2014

Location Map