Details for Smith-Brundrett House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507018009


Marker Number 18009
Atlas Number 5507018009
Marker Title Smith-Brundrett House
Index Entry Smith-Brundrett House
Address 901 N. Austin Street
City Rockport
County Aransas
UTM Zone
UTM Easting
UTM Northing
Subject Codes Craftsman Style, Buildings
Marker Year 2014
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location West side of N. Austin Street between Orleans and Cedar Streets at 901 N. Austin, Rockport, Texas, Aransas County
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28" with post
Marker Text Built in 1903 in Old Rockport, this Cottage and Craftsman Style House is an early frame Bungalow surrounded by giant oak trees. In 1920, W.H. smith, grandson of early Refugio pioneers, bought this house where he lived with his second wife, their four children and his sister. In 1934, John Frederick Brundrett and his wife, Elizabeth, purchased the house. Fred was a rancher and the family ranched on 8,000 acres on Matagorda Island and later on Port Bay. The Brundretts were devout members of the First Presbyterian Church. The Brundretts remained in this house for 53 years, until Fred’s death in 1987 at age 99. This home is a symbol of the generations of influence on local history.


Smith-Brundrett House
Smith-Brundrett House

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