Details for Hynes-Balthrope House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507018105


Marker Number 18105
Atlas Number 5507018105
Marker Title Hynes-Balthrope House
Index Entry Hynes-Balthrope House
Address 801 S. Church
City Rockport
County Aransas
UTM Zone
UTM Easting
UTM Northing
Subject Codes buildings; houses, residential buildings
Marker Year 2015
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28" with post
Marker Text This 1874 house of longleaf pine features full-length gallery porches and such classical revival elements as square columns, dentils and brackets. It was built on Austin Street for the John Hynes family and designed by San Antonio architect Viggo Kohler. Circuit riding priests from Refugio made the house the center of the Catholic community until a church was built in 1889. The house was moved to South Church Street in 1906 and converted to apartments shared by the Brundretts and Sorensons. By 1928 it was again a single family dwelling for the Ingersoll and then Wren families. In 1958, the Charles Balthrope family bought the house as a vacation home. They restored and refurbished the house after Hurricane Celia, and it remained in their family until 1996.


Hynes-Balthrope House
Hynes-Balthrope House

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