Details for St. Olaf Lutheran Church

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507018219


Marker Number 18219
Atlas Number 5507018219
Marker Title St. Olaf Lutheran Church
Index Entry St. Olaf Lutheran Church
Address 402 Meridian St
City Cranfills Gap
County Bosque
UTM Zone
UTM Easting
UTM Northing
Subject Codes ecclesiastical buildings; Lutheran denomination
Marker Year 2015
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42" with post
Marker Text Following the settlement of Norwegian Immigrants in Bosque County in 1854, Lutheranism became the predominant denomination in the region. In 1886, St. Olaf Kirke, named after the patron saint of Norway, was built to address the worshiping practices of the expanding population. Affectionately called “Old Rock Church,” it was the center of social gatherings for more than 50 years where good food, fellowship and games were enjoyed by all. On January 10, 1914, the members voted to purchase a full city block of land to build a new church for their growing congregation. The cornerstone of the new “Brick Church” was placed in march of 1917. The Romanesque revival-style building included a sanctuary with a balcony and a half basement, which was a point of pride for the congregation. In 1917, St. Olaf Lutheran Church was described as the “costliest and largest” Lutheran Church in Bosque county and in rural Texas. Through the fundraising efforts of the women’s organization many enhancements were added to the church. The “Brick Church” services were conducted in Norwegian until 1927 and continued at “The Rock Church” for the older members until the 1940s. The St. Olaf Church Sunday School was built for religious instruction in 1954. The church has provided for the needs of its membership and the community, as well as missions in other countries as it seeks to fulfill its mission. St. Olaf Lutheran Church continues to maintain its Norwegian heritage and serve as the heart of the community.

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