Details for Pleasant Hill School

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507018339


Marker Number 18339
Atlas Number 5507018339
Marker Title Pleasant Hill School
Index Entry Pleasant Hill School
Address 500 Pleasant Hill School Rd.
City Brenham
County Washington
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 751525
UTM Northing 3333865
Subject Codes schools; education topics; communities
Marker Year 2016
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Pleasant Hill Road, NW side 0.5 mi. SW of SH 36. Map dot approximate.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Originally the town of Krug, the community of Pleasant Hill is located in southernmost Washington County. As more settlers moved to the area, the need for schools emerged in rural parts of the county. Pleasant Hill School was located on two different sites, according to school records. The first was in Krug and was a one-room wood structure with a small front porch, typical of rural Texas schools of the time. In 1911, the school was classified as an intermediate school with one teacher. The second site was purchased in 1918 and was located on the corner of Pleasant Hill School Road and Dierking Road. Funds from the Rural Aid Fund were used to erect a new building. Pleasant Hill School remained small until it merged with the Wonder Hill School and Salem School in 1954. Through the consolidation process, land ownership passed to the Brenham Independent School District and was then sold to a private owner. Students of the Pleasant Hill School recall riding their horses to school each day and participating in community activities such as gathering scrap iron on the playground and knitting quilt squares for the war effort. Trustees, teachers and parents gathered in the summer months to repair and maintain the school, and many volunteered to provide transportation to and from classes and activities. Dedicated to the education of their children, the community devoted time and energy to the school in the hopes that their descendants would have access to more educational opportunities. (2016)

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