Details for John Henley Hill House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507018373


Marker Number 18373
Atlas Number 5507018373
Marker Title John Henley Hill House
Index Entry Hill, John Henley, House
Address 2005 Pinecrest Road
City Trinity
County Trinity
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 274250
UTM Northing 3422892
Subject Codes
Marker Year 2016
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location From the town of Trinity, go south on State Highway 19 to East Tatum Street, Turn left (east) go 2/10 mile to Pinecrest Road, turn right (south) and go 9/10 mile to driveway entrance on left.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size RTHL medallion and plaque without post, AND 27" x 42" with post
Marker Text Sitting proudly on a hill surrounded by giant southern magnolia, oak, cedar and crepe myrtle trees, the John Henley Hill house is situated on one of the earliest plantation sites located within the Elisha Roberts Survey. John Henley Hill was born on November 30, 1839, in Richmond, Indiana. Following the death of his first wife and the mother of his two children, Phoebe E. Branson, in 1870, John married her sister, Susanna Branson, in 1871. in 1876, John and Susanna met Col. George W. Grant while participating in a knitting machine demonstration at the Centennial International Exposition. He encouraged them to relocate to Grant’s Colony in Walker County, Texas. After one year of managing the settlement, the Hill family moved to Trinity County. It is unknown where the Hills lived when they first arrived but in 1880, John Hill purchased 200 acres from S.T. Robb and began construction on this house for his family. Built from 1880 to 1882, the two-story hill house reflects elements of carpenter gothic architectural style, typical of rural architecture of the period. Features include double hung windows, narrow boxcar siding, curved arches and carved decorative sawn brackets. Multiple porches and entries to the house provide outdoor space and cover from the elements. White limestone fireplaces accent the first floor along with arched entries and natural wood elements. The John Henley Hill house stands as a representation of early Trinity County history and rural architecture. RECORDED TEXAS HISTORIC LANDMARK – 2016

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