Details for George West First United Methodist Church

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507018460


Marker Number 18460
Atlas Number 5507018460
Marker Title George West First United Methodist Church
Index Entry First United Methodist Church, George West
Address 501 Crockett Street
City George West
County Live Oak
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 586577
UTM Northing 3134595
Subject Codes church; Methodist
Marker Year 2016
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Occupies South side of Crockett street from the corner of San Antonio Street to the corner Frio Street and Crockett - 501 to 511 Crockett in George West
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42" with post
Marker Text In 1914, combined Protestant Christian services began in George West. Methodist Circuit Riders Alonso Brown and Roswell Gillett were among the ministers. Later in June 1916, Methodists organized as a branch of Oakville Methodist Church, South, led by nine charter members and Reverend Stucky. Two lots were donated by George W. West. A parsonage was purchased in 1921. To complete a church building with Sunday School rooms in 1928, the Pastor’s Aid Society continued its tea room, and the Young Adult Epworth league raised and sold cotton. Pews were furnished by the Episcopal Group. The church expanded in 1925 as George West-three rivers charge of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. In 1939, the conference united nationally and dropped “South” and “Episcopal”. By 1947, the church owned six adjoining lots. In spite of devastating droughts, floods, and economic downturns, members remained faithful. A new parsonage designed and contracted by members, Jessie and J.C. Gilstrap, was built in 1954 with donated labor and salvaged brick from the closed Simmons School. By 1963, members renovated the vernacular church with a postmodern design including stained glass windows donated from past memorials. The conference united with the Evangelical United Brethren and the church was renamed George West First United Methodist Church. Mission efforts reached to Calliham, Mikeska, and Clegg, on to San Antonio, New Orleans, Korea, and Africa. In 2005, the church became a five-star church by giving to all five mission areas of Texas Methodists. Walks to Emmaus, children’s programs, teacher appreciation and senior luncheons are among ongoing ministries.

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