Details for Wurstfest

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507018682


Marker Number 18682
Atlas Number 5507018682
Marker Title Wurstfest
Index Entry Wurstfest
Address Elizabeth Avenue
City New Braunfels
County Comal
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 584093
UTM Northing 3286783
Subject Codes German topics; fairs and festivals; food and drink
Marker Year 2017
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Landa Park, S side Elizabeth Avenue at Gate #3 near Marketplatz building
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text An annual “salute to sausage” celebration, Wurstfest is held every fall on the Wurstfest grounds adjacent to Landa Park. The notion of a sausage festival was conceived in 1961 by Dr. E. A. Grist, veterinarian and city meat inspector in New Braunfels. At the time, New Braunfels had nineteen commercial sausage-making businesses in the city. Sausage making had been a local German tradition passed down through generations since the founding of the city. Initially the festival was held at the National Guard Armory, Landa Park and on Main Plaza. In 1967, the festival was moved to this industrial site originally developed in 1850 by William H. Meriwether who diverted the Comal River for a millrace to operate his grain mills. In 1860, Joseph Landa started Landa Industries at this location that later became Dittlinger Mills. Several buildings from the industrial era are utilized for the festival. In 1968, the celebration expanded to ten days. The festival is hosted by the Wurstfest Association of New Braunfels, a non-profit corporation whose mission is to promote the economy through tourism and preserve the community’s rich German heritage. Leadership and manpower required to oversee operations is provided by the 150-plus Wurstfest Association members along with many volunteers and temporary employees. In addition to business vendors, local clubs and organizations operate food and merchandise concessions to raise funds that benefit their projects and programs. The festival is known for its variety of unique foods prepared and served by hometown folks, the best in Alpine and Bavarian style musical entertainment and its beautiful setting along the banks of the spring-fed Comal River. (2017)

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