Details for Smith Family

Cemetery — Atlas Number 7113024705


Cemetery ID Number DL-C247
Cemetery Name Smith Family
Additional Names Kinnard Family
Directions 3820 East Illinois Ave; At the intersection of East Illinois Avenue and Mayforge, turn south onto Mayforge which runs parallel to Interstate 45. Then immediately turn right onto private property which is fenced. The cemetery is located between the fence and a brick building which was originally the Linfield Elementary School built before 1954. Three gravestones are clearly visible near the fence not far from the right-of-way of East Illinois Avenue.
City Dallas
County Dallas
HTC Designation Date 8/16/2016
Number of graves estimated 16
Burial Dates 1866-?
Feature Type cemetery
Longitude -96.759080
Latitude 32.712940
Atlas Number 7113024705
Atlas Map Yes

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