Details for Kelsay Cemetery
Cemetery — Atlas Number 7121005805
Cemetery ID Number | DN-C058 |
Cemetery Name | Kelsay Cemetery |
Additional Names | |
Directions | From Denton take I-35W to FR 114. Go east on FR 114 until just outside of Roanoke at Litsey Road and FR 114. Turn north on Litsey Road and follow gravel road to dead-end and there will be an abandoned farm with barns. The cemetery is NW of the barn on a hill. One cedar tree is standing about 1 mile NW from the barn. |
Source | Denton County Historical Commission Cemetery Committee |
City | Roanoke |
County | Denton |
HTC Designation Date | 6/26/2008 |
Size | .25 acre |
Number of graves | 12 |
Burial Dates | 1867-1900 |
Feature Type | |
Deed | |
Survey | |
Abstract | |
Longitude | |
Latitude | |
Atlas Number | 7121005805 |
Atlas Map | Yes |