Details for Copeland Chapel
Cemetery — Atlas Number 7339004505
Cemetery ID Number | MQ-C045 |
Cemetery Name | Copeland Chapel |
Additional Names | Coplan Chapel (USGS); Copelan Chapel |
Directions | From Conroe take Hwy 105 West. Look for McCaleb Road, turn right. First road to right, go .03 miles. |
Source | Local history notes; Parsons, Kim, Ref. to Texas Cemeteries, 1988; Montgomery Co. website |
City | |
County | Montgomery |
HTC Designation Date | |
Size | |
Number of graves | |
Burial Dates | |
Feature Type | cemetery |
Deed | |
Survey | |
Abstract | |
Longitude | |
Latitude | |
Atlas Number | 7339004505 |
Atlas Map | Yes |