Details for Rayford Rest Cemetery
Cemetery — Atlas Number 7339010505
Cemetery ID Number | MQ-C105 |
Cemetery Name | Rayford Rest Cemetery |
Additional Names | |
Directions | Rayford Rest Cemetery is located in south county, just off Rayford Sawdust Road off IH 45. Go east on Rayford Sawdust approximately .09 miles and turn right just in front of the railroad tracks. Go .02 mile down dirt road. There is a sign on the right that says Rayford Rest. |
Source | Local history notes; They; Montgomery Co. website |
City | |
County | Montgomery |
HTC Designation Date | |
Size | |
Number of graves | over 90 |
Burial Dates | ca. 1921-present |
Feature Type | cemetery |
Deed | |
Survey | |
Abstract | |
Longitude | |
Latitude | |
Atlas Number | 7339010505 |
Atlas Map | Yes |