Details for Bruns Ranch Cemetery
Cemetery — Atlas Number 7493002605
Cemetery ID Number | WN-C026 |
Cemetery Name | Bruns Ranch Cemetery |
Additional Names | |
Directions | Located on the Speedy Hicks Farm. Take FM 536 from Floresville going to Fairview. Go to the first FM (104) past the Old Connally’s place and follow it SW for 2 miles. It will take a sharp turn to the right. This small cemetery is on the right side of this turn. The family that is living on this place is currently caring for the cemetery. |
Source | Cemeteries of Wilson County (over 130 cemeteries and burial plots) by I.Meyr |
City | |
County | Wilson |
HTC Designation Date | |
Size | |
Number of graves | |
Burial Dates | |
Feature Type | vicinity |
Deed | |
Survey | |
Abstract | |
Longitude | |
Latitude | |
Atlas Number | 7493002605 |
Atlas Map | No |