Details for Old San Antonio City Cemeteries Historic District

National Register Listing — Atlas Number 2000000772


Property Name Old San Antonio City Cemeteries Historic District
Other Name Eastside Cemetery Historic District
County Bexar
Address Roughly bounded by Nevada, New Braunfels, Paso Hondo, Palmetto, Potomac, St. James, Pine, East Commerce, Dakota, Montana, Monumental and Crockett streets.
City San Antonio
Date Listed 10/11/2000
Reference Number 772
Multiple Property Name
To SBR 7/24/1999
Vicinity No
Status Listed
Date Removed from National Register
To NPS 6/6/2000
Date Notified
Local Significance Yes
State Significance No
National Significance No
Area of Significance Community Planning and Develpment, Art
Criteria A (historic events), C (design/architecture)
Architectural Style
Time Period 1850-1874, 1875-1899, 1900-1924, 1925-1949, 1950-1974
Resource Type District

Location Map