Details for Old S. J. Brooks Home

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5029000526


Marker Number 526
Atlas Number 5029000526
Marker Title Old S. J. Brooks Home
Index Entry Brooks, Sidney J., Old Home
Address 155 Croften Ave.
City San Antonio
County Bexar
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 549155
UTM Northing 3253211
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings; judges; aviation; design and construction; military topics
Marker Year 1969
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location (King William District)
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion and Plate
Marker Text Built about 1890, this stately late Victorian house combines various influences and styles. The architect was M. T. Eckles, and builder was T. R. Hertzberg, a local businessman. In 1909 Judge Sidney J. Brooks, noted lawyer and first judge of 57th District Court, bought this house. His son Sidney, Jr., (1895-1917), was one of the first U.S. cadets killed training for World War I duty. Brooks Air Force Base was named for him. (1969)

Location Map