Details for Gallagher Ranch
Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5029002100
Marker Number | 2100 |
Atlas Number | 5029002100 |
Marker Title | Gallagher Ranch |
Index Entry | Gallagher Ranch |
Address | SH 16 |
City | Lakehills |
County | Medina |
UTM Zone | 14 |
UTM Easting | 518391 |
UTM Northing | 3274957 |
Subject Codes | ranches/ranching; houses, residential buildings; Irish immigrants/immigration |
Marker Year | 1967 |
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark | Yes |
Marker Location | private road off SH 16 near Bexar-Medina county line, on private property. |
Private Property | Yes |
Marker Condition | Access Restricted |
Marker Size | RTHL medallion and plate |
Marker Text | Fort and ranch house built by Peter Gallagher (1812-1878), Irish-Texan engineer, merchant, ranger, and diarist of the Texan-Santa Fe Expedition. The hacienda of native stone, with rifle slits to protect from Indian attack, was bought 1927 by H.V. McNutt as headquarters of early Texas guest ranch. The rambling Mexican-style home has known distinguished guests and the routine of a working ranch. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1967 |