Details for Gilbreath-Cowsert House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5069002185


Marker Number 2185
Atlas Number 5069002185
Marker Title Gilbreath-Cowsert House
Index Entry Gilbreath-Cowsert House
Address 404 W. Halsell St.
City Dimmitt
County Castro
UTM Zone 13
UTM Easting 746190
UTM Northing 3827066
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings; law, lawyers; vernacular (Architectural term); merchantiles
Marker Year 1991
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Castro County Historical Museum, N side W. Halsell St. (FM 2392) between NW 3rd and NW 5th streets. Marker reported faded Nov. 2015.
Private Property
Marker Condition
Marker Size Medallion and Plate
Marker Text Tennessee native Jeff T. Gilbreath moved his family to this area in 1905. The owner of a local mercantile store, he built this house in 1909. He sold it in 1910 to county attorney Mark Cowsert, whose family lived here until 1912. The house changed ownership a number of times before the Castro County Museum purchased it in 1976. A fine example of early 20th-century vernacular housing, it features a bay window and hipped roof with gables. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark-1991

Location Map