Details for Gruene Mansion

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5091002295


Marker Number 2295
Atlas Number 5091002295
Marker Title Gruene Mansion
Index Entry Gruene Mansion
Address 1275 Gruene Road
City Gruene
County Comal
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 586630
UTM Northing 3290086
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings; German immigrants/immigration; Victorian (architectural term); Eastlake
Marker Year 1984
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 1275 Gruene Road (Gruene Historic District) New Braunfels
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion and plate
Marker Text The son of German immigrants, Henry D. Gruene was born in New Braunfels in 1850. In 1872 he built this home, in what was then the town of Goodwin. Gruene became a leader in the community, which later was renamed for him. Although the town declined after Gruene's death in 1920 and now is part of New Braunfels, this Victorian home, with its elaborate Eastlake detailing, stands as a monument to his contributions.Recorded Texas Historic Landmark-1984



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