Details for Hermann Jonas Homestead

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5091002839


Marker Number 2839
Atlas Number 5091002839
Marker Title Hermann Jonas Homestead
Index Entry Jonas, Hermann, Homestead
Address 3399 Ole Dutchman Road
City Canyon Lake
County Comal
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 566190
UTM Northing 3303465
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings; pioneers; German immigrants/immigration
Marker Year 1972
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location FM 2673 to Overhill Street, continue west, on private property.
Private Property Yes
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion and plate
Marker Text This four-story farmhouse is one of the largest residences in entire area of the early German settlements in Texas. It was the pioneer home of Hermann Jonas (1836-1912) and his wife Dorothea (1843-1909), German-born settlers of Comal County. Small log and limestone cottage in rear was built and occupied in 1861 and became the smokehouse in 1875 on completion of the large house of hand-cut and faced limestone and squared cedar timbers. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark -- 1972

Location Map