Details for City Hall-Fire Station, Old

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5097003709


Marker Number 3709
Atlas Number 5097003709
Marker Title City Hall-Fire Station, Old
Index Entry City Hall-Fire Station, Old
City Gainesville
County Cooke
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 671906
UTM Northing 3722049
Subject Codes buildings; fire and fire departments
Marker Year 1968
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Intersection of Dixon and Pecan Streets, Gainesville.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion and Plate (27 x 42)
Marker Text Erected 1884. First floor was fire station, with ladder truck, hose wagons and horse stalls. Insignia for the three fire companies appear above doors. Second floor contained city offices. Jail or "Calaboose" was in rear. Architect was J. J. Kane. Second story and bell tower were removed in 1933. The Cooke County Heritage Society saved building from demolition, 1966. Renovated through generosity of G. C. and Gladys Morton. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark--1968.

Location Map