Details for First Methodist Church of Oglesby

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5099001763


Marker Number 1763
Atlas Number 5099001763
Marker Title First Methodist Church of Oglesby
Index Entry First Methodist Church of Oglesby
Address 109 College Street
City Oglesby
County Coryell
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 641353
UTM Northing 3477176
Subject Codes churches; Methodist (Methodist Episcopal and United Methodist) denomination
Marker Year 1992
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 109 College St., Oglesby
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text This congregation was organized in 1891 as the Methodist Episcopal Church, south, and boasted 56 members in its first year. The Rev. J. David Crockett served as its first pastor. A church structure built in 1891 was destroyed by a tornado in 1893. A second structure completed by the congregation that year was replaced by this late Victorian-Era Queen Anne style building in 1912. It features a symmetrical form with a central gable and flanking bell towers. The church has sponsored an annual harvest festival to fund missionaries throughout the world, including Japan and Africa.

Location Map