Details for Higginbotham-Pearlstone Building

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5113006735


Marker Number 6735
Atlas Number 5113006735
Marker Title Higginbotham-Pearlstone Building
Index Entry Higginbotham-Pearlstone Building
Address 1701 Market St.
City Dallas
County Dallas
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 705099
UTM Northing 3629196
Subject Codes commercial buildings; markets, merchantiles
Marker Year 1986
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion and Plate
Marker Text Constructed in 1909, this building was first occupied in 1910 by the Hobson Electric company. The warehouse was next leased to the Maroney Hardware Company, which was bought in 1926 by Rufus W. Higginbotham and Hyman Pearlstone, owners of the Higginbotham - Pearlstone Wholesale Hardware Company, which was located here until 1977. The four-story brick industrial building, featuring corbelled cornices, remains as a focal point of the city's historic west end. RTHL 1986

Location Map