Details for Winniford House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5113006925


Marker Number 6925
Atlas Number 5113006925
Marker Title Winniford House
Index Entry Winniford House
Address 1921 Nokomis Rd.
City Lancaster
County Dallas
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 709753
UTM Northing 3610860
Subject Codes farms; Four Square (Architectural style); houses, residential buildings; design and construction; Praire School (Archictectural style)
Marker Year 1994
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location just south of Lancaster city limits
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text Kentucky native William Johnson Winniford (1827 - 1915) came to Texas as a Peters Colonist in 1845. A participant in California's Gold Rush, he returned and homesteaded 320 acres here in 1853. He married Sarah Allen Lewis in 1865. Their son, John L. (1870 - 1946) and his wife Emma L. Batchler (1875 - 1973), built this house in 1913, reared 4 children and raised corn, cattle, and cotton. Designed by John's brother, Andrew, the prairie school style house features a foursquare plan with large hipped roof, dormers, and distinctive multi-light windows. The house and farm complex remain in the Winniford family. RTHL 0 1994 Restored by Winniford Morton and Harry Lewis in 1978

Location Map