Details for Sanger Presbyterian Church

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5121004568


Marker Number 4568
Atlas Number 5121004568
Marker Title Sanger Presbyterian Church
Index Entry Sanger Presbyterian Church
Address 403 N. 7th St.
City Sanger
County Denton
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 669723
UTM Northing 3693045
Subject Codes eccesiastical buildings; Gothic Revival (architectural style) churches; Presbyterian denomination
Marker Year 1972
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location NW corner 7th and Elm streets
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size RTHL medallion and plate
Marker Text Founded 1896, in 1902 built this structure on land given by Jack R. Sullivan, a Baptist. With town's best auditorium, this became site of school and civic programs; elocution and music were taught here. Community bought building when congregation in 1971 moved to a new church. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1972


Sanger Presbyterian Church (RTHL)
Sanger Presbyterian Church (RTHL)

Location Map