Details for The Bates-Sheppard House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5123005288


Marker Number 5288
Atlas Number 5123005288
Marker Title The Bates-Sheppard House
Index Entry Bates-Sheppard House
Address 312 East Broadway
City Cuero
County DeWitt
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 666742
UTM Northing 3219494
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings; Victorian (architectural term)
Marker Year 1978
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 312 East Broadway, Cuero DeWitt Co. Historical Museum
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text This structure was built principally of lumber salvaged from ruins of the Indianola home of Morgan steamship Captain Henry Shepard (1826-1879). After a hurricane destroyed Indianola in August 1886, the late captain's son-in-law, Francis Walter Bates (1854-1930), shipped the salvaged materials here by rail and reconstructed the house on this site. Completed in the fall of 1886, it was occupied by Bates, his wife Elizabeth Sheppard Bates (1857-1904), her sister Mrs. Jennie Sheppard Luther (1860-1938), and a brother Henry D. Sheppard (1870-1951). Bates was a hardware merchant in Cuero, 1884 to 1930. He was a Mason, a Knight-Templar, and (1887 to 1914) a city Alderman greatly interested in the volunteer fire department. H. D. Sheppard, for years the Cuero agent for the Southern Pacific Railroad, was a local business leader. After 1904 Mrs. Luther was mistress of the house. Another Sheppard brother, Joseph, with his wife, children, and grandchildren also frequented the house as part of the extended family. Altered and enlarged in 1925, this Victorian house remained in the Bates-Sheppard family until 1968. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1978

Location Map