Details for Thurber

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5143005486


Marker Number 5486
Atlas Number 5143005486
Marker Title Thurber
Index Entry Thurber
City Thurber
County Erath
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 554896
UTM Northing 3596934
Subject Codes cities and towns; geology; oil/petroleum topics; ghost towns
Marker Year 1969
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Smokestack Park area on northeast corner of I-20 and FM 108, Thurber
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Most important mine site in Texas for 30 years. Coal here, probably known to Indians, was "discovered" in 1886 by W. W. Johnson, who with his brother Harvey sold out to Texas and Pacific Coal Company in 1888. (T. and P. Coal Company provided fuel for the Texas and Pacific Railroad, but was independently owned.) Town was named for H. K. Thurber, friend of T. and P. Coal Company founders. Most dynamic firm member was Robert D. Hunter (1833-1902), developer of 7 of 15 mines. Next president was E. L. Marston, Hunter's son-in-law, who left mining largely to William K. Gordon (1862-1949), an engineer who brought daily output to 3,000 tons. Then in 1917, Gordon (backed by management of coal company) was primarily responsible for discovery of Ranger oil field, 20 miles west. Adoption of oil- burning railway locomotives cut demand for coal. Last mine here closed in 1921, and the 10,000 or more inhabitants of Thurber began to move away. The coal firm changed its name to Texas Pacific Coal and Oil Company and was sold in 1963 to Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, Inc., for $277,000,000.00. Renamed Texas Pacific Oil Company, it is now one of largest independent domestic energy suppliers. Much coal (by estimate 127,000,000 tons) remains underground. (1969)

Location Map