Details for The Immortal 32

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5177002624


Marker Number 2624
Atlas Number 5177002624
Marker Title The Immortal 32
Index Entry Immortal 32, The
Address 414 Smith St.
City Gonzales
County Gonzales
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 650945
UTM Northing 3264897
Subject Codes Texas Revolution, Republic of Texas; military topics
Marker Year 1936
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location at the Gonzales Memorial Museum grounds
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 1936 Texas Centennial
Marker Text In Memory of the Immortal 32 Gonzales men and boys who, on March 1, 1836 fought their way into the beleaguered Alamo to die with Colonel William B. Travis for the Liberty of Texas. They were the last and only reinforcements to arrive in answer to the final call of Colonel William B. Travis. Names and ages of the Immortal Thirty-Two: Captain Albert Martin, 30; Isaac G. Baker, 32; John Cane, 34; George W. Cottle, 38; David P. Cummings, 27; Squire Damon, 28; Jacob C. Darst, 48; John Davis, 25; William Dearduff; Charles Despallier, 24; William Fishbaugh; John Flanders, 36; Dolphin Ward Floyd, 29; Galba Fuqua, 16; John E. Garvin, 27; John E. Gaston. 17; James George, 34; Thomas Jackson; Johnny Kellogg, 10; Andrew Kent, 38; George C. Kimball, 26; John E. King, 26; William P. King, 24; Jonathan L. Lindley, 31; Thomas R. Miller, 41; Jessie McCoy; Isaac Millsaps; George Neggan, 28; Wm. E. Summers, 24; George W. Tumlinson, 27; Robert White, 30; Claiborne Wright, 26. Other Gonzales men who fell at the Alamo. Daniel Bourne, 26; George Brown, 35; Jerry C. Day, 20; Almaron Dickerson, 26; Andrew Duvalt, 32; John Harris, 23; Wm. J. Lightfoot, 25; Marcus L. Sewell, 31; Amos Pollard, 33. Survivors of the Alamo Massacre, Mrs. Almaron Dickerson and baby daughter, of Gonzales.

Location Map